Saturday 18 July 2015

Science: Life Cycle of a Frog

We have a small pond in front of our house. Some tadpoles and frogs live there. Ar (2.5 years old) liked to observe some frogs jumping by the pond and some tadpoles swimming in the pond. It's time to introduce him about frog. it set a learning corner about frog. There were some charts on the walls, a book about tadpole, a felt board of a frog life cycle, and a diorama.

Here are some activities he did:

1. Sensory Play of the Frog Life Cycle
Before Ar played with the frog figurines, I read him a story about a tadpole every night. He could retell the story well on the sixth day. When he found a pond diorama, he named each tadpole and the frogs because he had known the frog life cycle from the storybook. Afterwards, he played with the water beads and take the tadpoles swim in the felt pool. He made a dialogue between the frogs and the tadpoles. 

2. Painting
3. Cutting Green paper and Pasting on the Frog Pattern

4. Working on a Frog Puzzle

5. Counting the frogs on the Sandpaper Numbers

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