Thursday 24 September 2020

Plaster Painting

Kegiatan mengecat termasuk yang paling digemari anak-anak usia dua tahun ke atas. Media yang dipakai juga bermacam-macam, bisa berupa buku gambar, kanvas, kaos, kain, atau plaster gipsum seperti yang Ar buat kali ini. tidak masalah jika masih belepotan dan pilihan warnanya sesuai keinginan anak. biarkan mereka bereksplorasi. Selamat mencoba.

Painting Activities for Two-Year-Old Children

My son had passed his oral phase since he was 1.5 years old. He could understand my explanation that he should not lick the paint. Therefore, I give him some painting activities since then. If your children haven't passed this phase, you can give homemade edible paint. It is made of corn starch, food color and a little water. Here are some painting activities done by Ar when he was two years old.

1. Bubble wrap painting
    I prepared a sheet of bubble wrap and Ar wiped the paint onto it. He mixed any colors he liked and turned the bbble wrap sheet down on a piece of paper. The dotted pattern attracted his attention. he loved touching and squeezing the bubble wrap. It is good for his sense of touch and fine motor skill.

2. Toothbrush painting

The focus of this painting activity is on his ability to pinch the paint tube, apply the paint onto the toothbrush and wipe the paint on a piece of paper. Hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills take great ole in this activity.

3. Painting with a spiky ball
He dipped the spiky ball on a plate filled with paint, felt the sensation of squeezing the ball and started painting. He even cleaned the spill on the floor. He learnt to be responsible to clean everything when he made a mess. 

4. Finger Painting

This is one of his favourites. He felt tickles when I brushed the paint on his hand. First, I told him how to do it by holding his hand and put it on the center of the paper. He then created his own pattern on the paper.

 5. Painting with a Paintbrush
This activity is easy to prepare.I just provide a cup of paint, a paintbrush and a piece of paper. He already know what to do.

6. Painting with a Golf Ball
I put a piece of paper in the tray and squirted some blue paint on it. Ar held the tray and rolled the golf ball on the tray. He said he was making ball tracks.This activity is good for hand-eye coordination.

7. Painting with a Sponge
I put different colours of paint on four bars of sponge. Ar just need to splash the sponge on a large piece of paper. He also used the tray to smash the sponge. He could not stop until all the paint had gone from the sponge.