Tuesday 10 May 2022

Siklus Hidup Bintang


Das Clay, Cat Akrilik, Karton

Printable siklus hidup bintang dapat dibeli melalui DM instagram @raisingamontessorian.

Video singkat proses pembuatan model siklus hidup bintang.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Affirmation Cards Free Printables

Printables kartu afirmasi dapat di download di sini. 

 *klik pada gambar/ click on the picture

Cara menggunakan:

1. kocok tumpukan kartu afirmasi. 

2. ambil satu lembar setiap pagi.

3. baca, yakini, dan lakukan. 

4. luangkan waktu untuk menulis jurnal sebelum memulai hari Anda. 

Selamat menjalani hari dengan kekuatan pikiran yang positif.

Thursday 24 September 2020

Plaster Painting

Kegiatan mengecat termasuk yang paling digemari anak-anak usia dua tahun ke atas. Media yang dipakai juga bermacam-macam, bisa berupa buku gambar, kanvas, kaos, kain, atau plaster gipsum seperti yang Ar buat kali ini. tidak masalah jika masih belepotan dan pilihan warnanya sesuai keinginan anak. biarkan mereka bereksplorasi. Selamat mencoba.

Painting Activities for Two-Year-Old Children

My son had passed his oral phase since he was 1.5 years old. He could understand my explanation that he should not lick the paint. Therefore, I give him some painting activities since then. If your children haven't passed this phase, you can give homemade edible paint. It is made of corn starch, food color and a little water. Here are some painting activities done by Ar when he was two years old.

1. Bubble wrap painting
    I prepared a sheet of bubble wrap and Ar wiped the paint onto it. He mixed any colors he liked and turned the bbble wrap sheet down on a piece of paper. The dotted pattern attracted his attention. he loved touching and squeezing the bubble wrap. It is good for his sense of touch and fine motor skill.

2. Toothbrush painting

The focus of this painting activity is on his ability to pinch the paint tube, apply the paint onto the toothbrush and wipe the paint on a piece of paper. Hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills take great ole in this activity.

3. Painting with a spiky ball
He dipped the spiky ball on a plate filled with paint, felt the sensation of squeezing the ball and started painting. He even cleaned the spill on the floor. He learnt to be responsible to clean everything when he made a mess. 

4. Finger Painting

This is one of his favourites. He felt tickles when I brushed the paint on his hand. First, I told him how to do it by holding his hand and put it on the center of the paper. He then created his own pattern on the paper.

 5. Painting with a Paintbrush
This activity is easy to prepare.I just provide a cup of paint, a paintbrush and a piece of paper. He already know what to do.

6. Painting with a Golf Ball
I put a piece of paper in the tray and squirted some blue paint on it. Ar held the tray and rolled the golf ball on the tray. He said he was making ball tracks.This activity is good for hand-eye coordination.

7. Painting with a Sponge
I put different colours of paint on four bars of sponge. Ar just need to splash the sponge on a large piece of paper. He also used the tray to smash the sponge. He could not stop until all the paint had gone from the sponge.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Science: Life Cycle of a Frog

We have a small pond in front of our house. Some tadpoles and frogs live there. Ar (2.5 years old) liked to observe some frogs jumping by the pond and some tadpoles swimming in the pond. It's time to introduce him about frog. it set a learning corner about frog. There were some charts on the walls, a book about tadpole, a felt board of a frog life cycle, and a diorama.

Here are some activities he did:

1. Sensory Play of the Frog Life Cycle
Before Ar played with the frog figurines, I read him a story about a tadpole every night. He could retell the story well on the sixth day. When he found a pond diorama, he named each tadpole and the frogs because he had known the frog life cycle from the storybook. Afterwards, he played with the water beads and take the tadpoles swim in the felt pool. He made a dialogue between the frogs and the tadpoles. 

2. Painting
3. Cutting Green paper and Pasting on the Frog Pattern

4. Working on a Frog Puzzle

5. Counting the frogs on the Sandpaper Numbers

Tuesday 7 July 2015


For you who ask for my cash register tutorials, I'm sorry I didn't take photos on the process. Here is my ATM which basically has the same concept as my cash register. I got perfect box from Step 2 but you can shape any box you have. I never use precise measurement because I usually paste and cut the decorative paper on the box. It's easier and faster.
1. Cut the sides of the box so that it looks like an ATM
2.Attach a piece of cardboard onto the back of silver paper. Leave some space before cutting it
3.Make sure you put something to block the money when your child is inserting it
4.  Attach the silver paper on the front side of the ATM. Fold and glue the side of the remaining 
5.Cover the side of the ATM with blue paper. You can change the colour as you like

Attach black paper for the screen and some foam buttons. Don't forget to cut two lines for inserting the money and card

Bagi Anda yang meminta tutorial kasir, saya minta maaf karena tidak mengambil foto cara pembuatannya. Berikut adalah ATM saya yang pada dasarnya memiliki konsep yang sama seperti kasir pernah yang saya buat. Saya punya kotak Step 2 yang bentuknya sesuai dengan ATM , tetapi Anda juga bias membentuk sendiri kotak yang Anda miliki. Saya tidak pernah menggunakan pengukuran yang tepat karena saya biasanya hanya menempel dan memotong kertas hias pada kotak tanpa mengukurnya. Sangat mudah dan cepat!
Potong sisi kotak sehingga terlihat seperti ATM
Tempelkan sepotong kardus ke bagian belakang kertas perak. Sisakan  sedikit  bagia pinggir sebelum memotong
  Pastikan Anda memasukkan sesuatu untuk memblokir uang ketika anak Anda memasukkannya
Pasang kertas perak di sisi depan ATM . Lipat dan lem sisi kertas perak yang tersisa
Tutupi sisi ATM dengan kertas biru. Anda dapat mengganti warna sesuai yang Anda inginkan
Tempelkan kertas hitam untuk layar dan beberapa tombol yang terbuat dari busa. Jangan lupa untuk memotong dua baris untuk memasukkan uang dan kartu.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Science: Life Cycle of a Bee

I introduced the life cycle of a bee by giving him Safari Ltd figurines. I covered the figurines with playdoh and asked him to open it. this activity is good for his fine-motor skill and hand-eye coordination. Then he matched the figurines on the control card. it can be downloaded here. I shout out every phase of bee life cycle whenever he had discovered one. He repeated after me.

He molded the playdoh into circles and put the phases of the bee on the circles. He followed the pictures in the control card.

He wanted to put the figurines in order based on the control cards. He named each of the phase and applauded himself for his achievement.

The next invitation to play is inserting the cake-pop stick into the lid of a can. 
a used-can (big size)
bee pictures and laminate them
cake-pop sticks
yellow paper
double tape

How to make:
paste the cake-pop sticks on the back of bee pictures using hot glue gun
draw hexagons on yellow paper
paste the yellow paper on the side of the can
put the materials on the tray

strengthen fingers, practice fine-motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.

This is one of his favorite activities. Though it looked hard for him, he didn't give up until the last sticks.

Cutting Activity
Another easy material to prepare is this scissor cutting activity. You just need to draw or print bee pictures on vertical pieces of paper and insert the cards in the small holes on the lid. I told my son that he had to cut the bees without hurting them so they can fly.

Bee pretend play costume was a hit. I drew a bee on a cardboard and sew a hairband for his antenna. he loved buzzing around the house.

Wooden Peg Activities. 
There are some various wooden peg activities to strengthen his hand grip and fine-motor skills.

Sticker Counting Activity
I am going to make free printable for this activity soon.